
Veckans tips. För alla mentala tillstånd.

Goapele - Closer to my dreams
Passar perfekt till en latte och doftljus, när man funderar över la future.

Britney Spears - Let me break the ice
Finns det någon bättre pre-party-warm-up?!

Lumidee - Cute boy
Jag e så svag för rnb och en söt tjejröst, skönt gung, passar bra till en kväll framför spegeln.

Nathalie Merchant - Carnival
Låten ligger mig varmt om hjärtat, passar bättre till en kopp te än latte.

Phil Collins - Jesus he knows me
Satte ni eftermiddagsbiskvien i halsen? Gustav = plötsligt galet religiös?
don't think hursomhaver...jag vill svänga tushen o armar. Lite freakshow...

Robyn - Konichiwa Bitches
SKRIKER runway, shit, coolaste soundet, typ scandinavian missy elliot vs electronica.

Sarah Dawn Finer - Some kind of peace
Mår du ur den psykologiska vinkeln mindre bra o du e ensam?..den här tröstar..)

En blandat kompott.
Hitta nåt ni gillar.
Glöm inte.
Musik är vår vardagsterapi.

Paula & Cupcake

Morgonen började mindre bra. Gudars skymning.
Skippar frukost, rusar till skolan.
Koncentrationssvårigheter. Hunger.
Mitt medtagna äpple hjälper inte.

Vid två tiden träffar jag Paula. Lycka rusar i mig.
Saknat dej, MYCKET.
Satt och pratade hela eftermiddagen.
Resor, relationer, sex, mål, mat...allt som hör just livet därtill.

Senare middag. Paula, Gustav, Jason, Cricket and his friend. Så mysigt.
Cupcakes, barhäng och ett väldigt bra rockband.
Girls don't cry..hette dom.
Älskade de två sista låtarna.

Det kommer bli en fantastisk vecka.
Du & jag Paula.
And Ever.


San Francisco, May 2007

Just a feeling..

On the way home tonight, I decided to go wild.
Take a cab, not the subway.
Bad for the economy Gurva.

While in the cab, this song is playing
a song by Maroon 5
Better That We Break

A smile then appears on my face .
Somehow, I feel stronger than ever.
Nothing can upset me.

Because no matter what happens,
I still have Maroon 5
And I still have you, New York


slip of the tongue

Sleep, study, jerk off, study, sleep, jerk off, sleep, know the cycle!
I finally left the apartment around fiveish, going to a Diner a couple of blocks away. I needed a change of study environment, really, where you actually aren't allowed to jerk off nor sleep. LOL Am I a narcoleptic sex maniac?

I ordered a Veggie wrap. I've always thought about becoming a vegetarian, but I felt I have already sinned too much in my life. And when you think about it again, how can you possibly say goodbye to the Angus Deluxe Meal in McDonalds. But do vegetarians mind if I eat their food every now and then? Cause really, I'm a sucker for the vegetables :)

This couple is sitting right next to me. I try to hear where they come from, but they're just mumbling.
The waitress comes.
"Ready to order?"
"Hmm, öhh, hmm, my...woman...isss..on...toi...toilet, my woman is on toilet"

I tried to laugh quietly, but it was difficult. I know you shouldn't make fun of others who can't speak English that well, cause even I make mistakes. Last Saturday, for example, I uttered:
"oh, it's an internal joke!"
Eew? You mean inside joke, the other person corrected me. I was embarrassed.
Internal = organs
Inside = jokes
Got it! =)

The alien couple beside me turned out to be from Denmark. And they were so nice, asking me so many questions about what is like to live here, and so on.
My intention was to study at the Diner, but I kept socialising and talking to them.
And their language skills were not so bad, after all. We had fun.

So, I hope the little studying I've accomplished today will be enough for passing my midterm exam tomorrow.

Greetings from a rainy Apple!


Halloween last year in NY. Will it be as fun this year?
I hope so!

Flavor vs. pleasure

Monday night. I have a bunch of reading to do. First Fashion Exam coming up this Thursday.
Yesterday I finished my essay about whether thug style should be banned or not, and I'm actually pleased with the result. I don't know as much about the topic as the American kids in my class do, where actually a majority (and a lot of African-Americans?!) find it very good to prohibit kids wearing the gangsta look in public places, such as city parks, library, etc. I was kind of surprised.

This weekend was a lot of fun though. I had dinner on Friday at a super-cozy italian restaurant with Pauliina, and we had a bottle of Californian Chardonnay, as always;) There were two guys sitting at the table next to us, and they seemed to be on the worst date ever. And one of them,was actually half-flirting with me. Why do people end up going out with a person that they totally don't spark at all with? In the hope of finding prince charming sitting at a table next to you? Not that I'm prince himself, but you get the picture.

God, I keep spending too much CSN money on food and drinks. This Saturday night I met up with Jason (Mr, Yes please) and his friend Darlene (not sure) for a late dinner at Dip. Swiss cheese fondue, and for dessert, chocolate fondue..could it be any better?
Then William joined us, and we went to a party nearby, it was someone's birthday. The theme seemed to be the 70s, and most of them were high. It was fun though, everybody thought I was famous. Nothing is better and more convincing than getting compliments from marijuananized people in their 30s right?

Then we went to a gay club on 59th street, and damn I shaked my tush to the best remix ever of Britney's Gimme!
We left after a while, grabbed a cab, and there were some argument whether the credit card went through or not. So, there we were. Me, Jason and William arguing with an Ouagadouga Taxi driver in the middle of the street. NYPD showed up.

Then we hit another bar, Posh. I saw two extremely cute guys, but I was out with Jason, so no picking fruit tonight:)
The music sucked, really. So a few drinks, and then Jason and I left. We took a cab, and headed back to his apartment.
I was kind of tired of cab drivers, so I made some bitchy utterances.
We ended up in front of the TV, watching bad cooking shows on Cook channel all night.

Btw, Bikram Yoga rocks!
And I've got tickets for the Spice Girls in February. YEEEY!!

ett svenskt tillägnande..

Alltså, jag har seriösa problem med att vänja mig vid det här hushållets gas-spis. Man skruvar, väntar kanske 10 sekunder, sen tänder det till. Min fråga lyder, är gas-spisar alltid självantändande? Eller är det jag som väntar för länge, och inte tänder på själv, och så inträffar en "olycka".
Hursomhelst, ikväll är det fattigmans-kost som gäller. Pasta a la skvättar olivolja toppat med amerikaniserad parmesan ost. MmmM smaskens right? Jag gav ett helhjärtat försök att inte rycka till denna gång, alltså när spisplattan tänder till och köket bländas av blåa lågor.

Jag väntar på att lågan ska tändas...seriöst, jag är beredd på att det ska ske. Det händer ingenting, så jag slappnar av för en sekund...och då plöstligt.. puffar det till. Å vad händer, jag rycker till värre än vanligt och vattnet i kastrullen, som jag håller i, forsar ut och dränker spisen. NEJ!
Därmed, nej till gas, och ja till elektrisk variant. God, I miss my Swedish stove back home.

En annan incident som inträffade för någon dryg vecka sen, tog också plats i köket. Detta verkar vara mitt olycksområde, jag kanske inte ska satsa på desperate housewives livet, helt enkelt. Here's the story:
Det kom för mig att jag aldrig sätter på diskmaskinen. Så, en eftermiddag, så tar jag tjuren vid hornen och fyller den och häller i diskmedel och skruvar, och den är igång. YES. Jag klarade det.
Trodde jag. Efter en kvart hör jag skumma ljud från la kitchen. Nej, säg inte att det är diskmaskinen, tänker jag.
Jag vandrar mot mitt olycksområde. Det brummar. Jag ser att det läcker ut vatten, skum, you name it. Öppnar luckan, och det är igentäckt med skum. Seriöst, jag ser inte disken ens. Å varmt är det. Hujeda mig. Turkisk bastu?

Skit, bara för att jag ville göra gott, så flippar det ur och jag gör bort mig. Blondin-generna i mig kanske kravlar sig fram ur mitt numera chokladbruna hår, vad vet jag. Efter lite diskussion med William (roommate), kommer vi fram till att jag hällde i handdiskmedel istället för maskindiskmedel. God, om brandbilen är röd, så var mitt fejs rödare när han sa det. How can I be so stupid? Jag tänker tillbaka på tiden hemma, jag går ju inte och häller i Yes handdiskmedel i diskmaskinen. William fick sig ett gott skratt. At least I entertain, I thought.
Ska jag vara lite extra grabbig, och skylla ifrån mig och redogöra varför det inte var mitt fel kan jag komma med följande argument:
- Seriöst, diskmaskinen är från 40-talet.
- Seriöst, handdiskmedlet är hällt i en vanlig metallflaska, dvs utan beskrivning.
- Seriöst, ...I don't know

Kanske inte lät så grabbigt...

En sista sak. Jag får patriotiska ögonblick då och då. Lyssnar på Kents nya material. Svarta beskrivningar av Stockholm och dess gator. Så deppigt, men så bra. Jag behöver lite svensk mentalitet.
Det kom över mig, hur mycket jag än platsar in i den amerikanska smeten, så är jag och förblir i behov av att se omgivningen i ett tragiskt och mörkt perspektiv, för att kunna inse humorn i vår tillvaro.
Jag lovar att på stört skriva i min blogg, när jag träffar en amerikan som jag kan dela detta med.


New York City,
Vaknar aldrig långsamt
Sorg och trötthet döljs
I försvar, av vår plats här
Vi tar till knep
För många

Koffein, bara en hink till
Ambulansen susar förbi,
Få höjer ögonbrynet
En man tar upp en karta
Intensiva ljud, gör en sällskap
Dygnet runt

Svettas, nere på perrongen
Gatan, vi springer
Även utan brådska
I väntan på vit lysande gestalt

generation Ex

You know those mornings when you just wake up and everything seems...blaha. Well, I've experienced this feeling two mornings in a row now, and I seriously can't put my finger on what it is. I had a really busy and fun weekend, so maybe I'm just exhausted, don't know. I try to keep up with my new eating habits; fruits, salmon, chicken, brown rice, vegetables, and lots of Poland spring water. I even went for a run this Sunday in Central Park, and I felt those nice endorphins rushing through my body.

Mr. Yes please and I have continued dating. I don't know if we're officially dating (when do you know?), but I spent a lot of time with him this weekend. Out Friday night, with one of his friends. And brunch this Sunday, with some other of his friends. He said to me that I'm very exotic and so'm such a Viking:) Well, I enjoy someone having that impression of doesn't happen too often.

I'm lying in my bed writing this. I'm supposed to be in class, but I couldn't manage to get myself out of the apartment. A lot of noise when I woke up today, yes this is New York City, what do you expect Gurva? But I'm going to try to make it to the next class at noon.

I've discovered that Pauliina and I spend too much time at Starbucks. I mean we go there everytime after we've studied at the library. Banana chocolate chip cake..god..YUM..but that's definitely not included in my "new eating habits"..but I have to treat myself after a long time of doing homework right?

"Wait a minute, I just had a really intelligent thought on my mind.." (quote Pauliina)

That comment..made my night yesterday.

And by the way, I listen to Kents new album (Swedish band) at the moment..FLASHBACKS


makes the people come we all know
So here's some music I found recently, that I just I wanna share with you:

Breaking Dishes -  Rihanna
Let it go    -  Keyshia Cole, Missy Elliot, Lil Kim
Me love  -  Sean Kingston
World Wide Woman  -  Beyoncé
Sweetest Girl  -  Wyclef Jean, Akon, Lil Wayne, Nia
Push it (remix)  -  Sean Kingston
Rehab  -  Rihanna
Never took the time  -  Akon

Shake it well! And bounce like your ass had the hickups! :)


From immediate yes please

A guy from the 20 something meeting e-mailed me. Let's call him Mr. Ireland. We decided to meet this Friday night.
So, he picks me up with his jeep outside my apartment, what a gentleman;) Though I seriously don't understand why on earth you voluntarily want to drive in Manhattan, but anyway, I appreciated it.
He took me to a bar/club down in Chelsea, and we had a couple of beers. Mr. Ireland was nice, a little cute and very much like a normal guy. After a while, I dragged him to the dancefloor. He kept telling me that he is a white guy without a rhythm, and I started to I shaked my booty..and felt his boner really well, which he had talked about a little too much already. I'm not that prude about sex was just the way he mentioned it all the time.."when I was in Greece, during a massage I got a boner"..and all his sex experiences in Europe.
After a while, he says he wanna go to another place, but I feel like staying. So..he leaves me :S Not a gentleman I'm sitting there, don't know what to do, I'm still too sober to have the confidence to go up on the dancefloor by myself and show the world the Gurva dance. I thought about going home, but I remembered I felt so tired of these nights where you end up alone and you go home...I WON'T DO IT!

Then, a miracle girl (faghag) with her male gay friend asked me why the hell I'm sitting down for..GO UP AND DANCE! So I started to do my best, and impress them the way..I must tell you about the music they was so good!! Finally I get to go to a gay bar playing rnb, hiphop music...NOT SCHLAGER..
I started to dance closer to her gay friend..he was handsome and had the cutest smile..and we ended up dancing really intimate..and he was such a great kisser:) The funny thing, though, was that every time I made a new move, for example pushing my tush against him..he kept saying out loud: YES PLEASE!!
It got me thinking, is being polite on the dancefloor the new thing? Or was it just him...
(Oh my God, that was soo Carrie Bradshawish of me!)
Later, I went home with the fag hag and Mr. Yes Please..they were roomates...and the rest is history :)
However, this evening was just like a roller coaster;
The expectations are going up slowly, and then they fall down in loops, curves, and you're getting a little confused by the twists and turns. And then suddenly, the ride is over, but it turned out to be a great one. Just like this night out.

the best quote ever!

yesterday night..I was at this "20 something event" for gay men in New York. It was interesting, I met a lot of different people. Some friend material, some "let's not hook up shall we" material.  Anyway, I met this extremely cool dancer, I think he was a dancer at some college, and when it was his time to introduce himself he said:

You know, unofficially I'm a student, but officially, I'M FABULOUS!

I laughed so much..

And one guy, half chinese & half some strange way..I never actually thought of that combination. He was really nice to talk to, and he works at a chocolate

Me, myself and Gurva on the other in school most of the days..though I'm free on Wednesdays..which is a good laundry, study, hang out day...whatever needs to be I don't have to take care of that in the weekend..and fight with all the others in the laundry facility.

Now I'm off to midtown, I have a homework, to go to Brook's Brothers and look what kind of people who shop there, and what kind of clothes they intend to buy. My program is GREAT!

Kisses of love...and desire!

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