forgive me father..

for I have sinned..I realised that yoko ono lives two blocks away from me..not in the same..hope you'll forgive me!

Well, now I've finally moved into my room. It is OUTSTANDING, and I still can't believe I got this offer. Even people that I talk to here in the city have a hard time understanding how I found this, for this price. I guess I have to thank my lucky star that is shining on me every now and then. THANK YOU!

Yesterday I bought two framed pictures for my room. The first one is like a dreamy picture of manhattan skyline, and the other one is showing central park in the winter time and lights from the buildings in the background. I hanged them over my bed:) I must tell you about the bed also, I mean WOW. I haven't slept this well in a looong time, and I guess the yellow painting on my wall also is an explanation. I've heard the color yellow makes you feel relaxed and calm.

I remember people telling me, before I crossed the atlantic ocean: Don't get fat over there!
I think many people who haven't been to the US realise that this country is soo big and versatile. I mean, New York is so not typical USA. It is its own country, really. People here are so influenced by the multicultural touch, e.g food, that you actually adapt more easily to eat healthy and non-typical-american-too-much-cheese-and-fried food. The situation differs significantly from state to state of course, but what I'd like to say is that the whole of north america is not suffering from being totally exposed to unhealthy food. Yes, there are many places here in the city where you can have tons of buffalo wings and a super-extra-large-coke, but the responsibility lies with you, as everything else in this country. And here in New York City, you can definitely eat healthy, if you want to.

Paulina & Gus


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